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1.     Create a view for your data.

a)     You’ll first want to create a “view” including all of the data-points you want, and none of the data-points you don’t want. Run a very limited dispense report (like filled today) by navigating to Reports>Dispensing Report>Detailed Dispensing.

i.      ComputerRx will pull up your dispense report with your default view.

ii.     In the top right of the screen, Press the blue + sign next to the view dropdown to create a new “view” - name it something like “Seguridad”

iii.    Customize the view to match the data request, generally as follows:

1.     Include columns (these are the specific data element names in ComputerRx):

  • Patient Record (please be sure you are selecting Patient Record and not Patient ID, as they are different)
  • Date
  • Drug
  • NDC
  • Patient Age
  • Diag. Code 1
  • Rx Origin
  • Day Supply
  • Quan.
  • Sig
  • Patient Address
  • Patient Zip
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Ethnicity


2.     Additional data elements that may not be available for download. Please find the closest match if possible:

1.     Patient Allergies

2.     Patient Serum Creatinine

3.     Species

4.     Patient Weight

5.   ICD-10 Description

3.     You may need a few more or a few less columns depending on the specific data request.

iv.    Save the “view” as you have it set by clicking the Save button (floppy disk).

2.     Pull the data requested

a)     Put in filters for the specific request. For example:

i.      In Start Date, put 1/1/2021, and End Date put 3/30/2021. (Quarterly results aid in data pull)

ii.     The report will build (it may take some time).

b)    Once the report has loaded and been filtered, press export at the bottom middle left of the screen to generate an excel file.

c)     Name the excel appropriately per the work order, for example “Seguridad NABP DATE”.