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Chapter 6: Choose My Pharmacy® Report Card FAQs

I submitted my data! When can I expect my report card? 

Approximately six weeks after the quarterly data request emails are sent out (these are sent on the 1st of the month or first business day at the start of a new quarter). The time between the email being sent out and you receiving your report is spent gathering data from as many of our participating pharmacies as possible as well as engaging in quality assurance to make sure the data is accurate.

I am going through the onboarding process and submitted my data but never received my Employee Survey. What happen?

This likely means there was an issue with processing your data submission. If someone from our support team has not reached out to you already, please email and include your pharmacy's NCPDP.

I have a measure rating that says N/A. How can I fix this to 'meet the requirements'?

N/A, or not applicable, means that the data provided does not allow for a denominator to be calculated for the specified measure. The reasoning can vary from measure to measure. For example, if a pharmacy does not have any patients <18 years old, the Assessment of Weights in Pediatrics score would be N/A.

My entire report card has N/D listed for all measures. What does this mean?

This means there was most likely an issue with processing your data submission. Be it missing required fields or a formatting error or a technical bug on our end. Please email with your pharmacy's NCPDP and our team will be able to identify the error and possibly have you resubmit data to resolve the issue.

How are each of these metrics measured? How do I go about improving my score?

For a detailed explanation of how we calculate our metrics, click to view our Measure Specifications Guide. We have also provided a chart below that shows which collected data points go into the calculation of each measure.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 10.25.51 AM.png

My overall score in my report card is blank. Why is it missing?

Given that our company is still in the early stages of collecting and analyzing data from all of our participating pharmacies, it is difficult to calculate a grade that accurately reflects overall performance at this time. As we gather more data and are able to compare it to previous quarters, we will be able to create an accurate system for calculating grades. Until such a time, we have decided to leave the overall scores blank to avoid confusion.

My rating for Known Allergy Status seems unusually low even though we ask our customers for any allergies. What is causing this?

The numerator for the measure is calculated by the documentation of any allergies OR no known allergies. Leaving the field blank rather than recording it as "no known allergies" negatively impacts the pharmacy's score. We recommend filling out the allergy status field every time to improve this measure rating.

Why is Employee Vaccination Rate is reading N/A even though our pharmacy completed the employee surveys?

As of right now, our engineering team is working through a bug in the calculation that provides an accurate rating for this measurement.