QS/1 support is currently unavailable at this time. Please submit your data as best you can using the following generic terms to guide you.
- De-identified Patient ID (patient serial number, customer ID, patient record)
- Date Dispensed
- Drug Name
- Drug NDC
- Customer Age (patient age)
- ICD-10 Code
- ICD-10 Description
- Origin Code (prescription origin status, walk-in, electronic, telephone)
- Patient Allergies
- Patient Weight
- Patient Serum Creatinine
- Days Supply
- Quantity Dispensed
- Sig/Directions
- Patient Address
- Patient Zip Code
- Patient Species (Human, Cat, Dog)
- Gender
- Race (White, Black, Asian, etc)
- Ethnicity (Hispanic, Non-hispanic)
Once you have submitted your data, please reach out to support@choosemypharmacy.com stating your pharmacy's NCPDP number and which PMS you submitted data from. A member of our team will reach back out to your with further information.